An efficient skincare regimen has the capacity to not only level up your self-care routine, but make you feel confident knowing you got your system in check. However, it can be a grueling process to get there. By the time you find the right products, you might be confused about how to use them and in which order. There are hundreds, if not thousands of articles on the internet with contrasting information on correct ways to use your products. But ultimately, it’s important to note that taking care of your skin is a personal endeavor. And although uncontrollable factors like genetics play a role in what your skin looks and feels like, lifestyle habits and your routine are in your hands. Of course, this will largely depend on your skin type, the ingredients, and time of day but here are a few things we think are important to consider when creating your skincare routine. 


General consensus says that cleansing your skin twice a day – once in the morning and once in the evening – is ideal. If you have dry skin it is suggested to only use plain water in the morning. A morning cleanse will remove any excess oils or sweat accumulated on your hair and pillow secreted during your slumber. And an evening cleanse will remove skincare products, makeup, excess oil, sweat, pollutants and other debris collected throughout the day. 

By consistently cleansing your skin, you effectively improve your ability to avoid clogged pores, breakouts, and premature aging. You can also make sure by eliminating all the gunk accumulated throughout the day, you will keep your face healthy-looking and glowing for years to come. As an added benefit starting your morning with a clean face allows your skincare products to soak in easier and allows them to be as effective as possible. 


After your routine cleanse, it is suggested to follow up with a toner. Using a toner is a great way to balance your skin’s pH. And if you have acne-prone skin, you can find toners that have salicylic acid to calm your breakouts. If you have dry/sensitive skin, try a hydrating toner. It is suggested to apply your toner with clean hands by pouring a few drops into your hands and wiping it across your face. 

Face oil & Moisturize 

As a rule of thumb, water-based products should be closest to the skin and therefore applied first. Face Oil products do a great job of forming a seal on top of them. 

Remember, that just because your face is oily it doesn’t mean you can’t find the right face oil for you. Certain oils can actually help balance your skin’s oil production, get rid of excess oil in your face and minimize the appearance of pores. Look for face oil ingredients that have camellia and evening primrose. 


Ask any dermatologist, and they will say that sun protection is the most important part of any skincare regimen. Protecting your skin from UV rays can prevent skin cancer and signs of aging. If having both a moisturizer and sunscreen in your arsenal isn’t your thing, you can opt for a moisturizer with SPF. Dermatologists recommend a moisturizer or stand-alone sunscreen with a built-in broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30. This means that your sunscreen protects you from both UVA and UVB radiation. Another heads up: Even if you are spending your days indoors, it is suggested to wear sunscreen since UV rays can still come through the windows. 

Apply A Retinoid/Serum in the Evening 

Retinoids (Vitamin A derivatives that include retinol) are a great product to have in your skincare routine since they can reduce dark spots, breakouts and fine lines by increasing skin-cell turnover. These are great to apply in the evening since retinoids normally break down in the sun and can make your skin extra sensitive to the sun. 

Be patient and consistent

Once you have the basic steps down, you can add in extra steps like exfoliation and hydrating face masks. But more often than not, less is more. As your skin tends to evolve over time it’s important to hone in on a few staples that will serve you much better than doing too much. Stick to products that don’t have too many ingredients and are fragrance-free. Try new products one by one so you can see how your skin reacts to them and have patience. Sometimes your skin might have an adverse effect to a product you think your skin will enjoy. It’s okay. This is normal. Toss the product and begin anew with another one until you find the right fit. Trust in your skincare process and follow through with the goals you have set for yourself. 

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